The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Email Open Rates

19 Dec, 2022

Email Marketing


What is Email Open Rate?

Email open rate is the percentage of emails that are opened by recipients. It's a metric used to measure the success of an email campaign and the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

The Difference Between Click-Through Rates and Open Rates

Click-through rates and open rates are two of the most important metrics for any email marketing campaign. They tell you the effectiveness of your message, and help you determine what kind of content to include in your next email.

The click-through rate is the percentage of people who click on a link in an email.

The open rate is the percentage of people who opened an email.

How to Calculate Email Open Rate

To calculate your email open rate, add up all of the email addresses that received an email from your company in a given time period (for example, one day). Then, add up all of the unique recipients who opened one or more emails within that same time period. Divide your total number of opens by your total number of unique recipients and voila! You have your email open rate!

Why Email Open Rates are Important

Email Open Rates Allow You to Track Success

Email open rates are important because they allow you to track success. You can use email open rates to see how well a campaign is doing, and adjust it accordingly. You can also use email open rates to understand what people are interested in, and tailor your next campaign to focus on that.

If someone opens an email about a product, but doesn’t click through, you know they aren’t interested in that product. This allows you to target specific audiences with more relevant content.

Information About Email Open Rate Informs Your Future Campaigns

Email open rates are important because they inform your future campaigns. If you have a high open rate, you can use that information to improve your next campaign by using more engaging content and more relevant subject lines. If you have a low open rate, you might want to consider changing the type of content you send or adjust your strategy.

You Can Use Email Open Rate to Determine Whether or Not You Need to Make Changes to Your List

Email open rates can be a useful tool for determining whether or not you need to make changes to your list. If you have a high open rate, it means that people are getting the emails and interacting with them, which is great! But if your open rate is low, it may indicate that people are not reading your emails because they don't have enough information or relevance.

If this is the case, you need to change something about your email strategy: maybe you should include more images or videos; maybe you should include more links; or maybe you should change up the subject line. Whatever it is, email open rates will help guide you toward making better content for your subscribers.

How to Improve Your Email Open Rates

Writing the Perfect Subject Line

The email subject line is one of the most important parts of your message. It's what your recipient sees first, and it can make or break whether they open your email. If your subject line is boring or predictable, people will probably skip over it. If it's intriguing, though, they'll be more likely to open the message and read what you have to say.

There are two main types of subject lines: descriptive and creative. A descriptive subject line tells the reader what they're going to get if they open the email—for example, "New product launch" or "Reminder: Important meeting." They're useful when you need to get someone's attention quickly, but they can feel a little formulaic compared to creative ones.

Creative subject lines are more fun because they catch people's eyes with something unexpected or interesting—for example, "What happens when chocolate meets peanut butter" or "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Creative subject lines are also good for social media posts or tweets because it's easier for people to click on something that sounds interesting than something that doesn't stand out from everything else in their feed.

Make Sure You're Personalizing Your Emails

Personalizing your emails is the best way to get your audience to open them.

A good way to personalize an email is by using the name of the person you're sending it to. You can do this by adding their name in the subject

line or in the body of the email, or even just by using their name once in the body of the email.

Another way to personalize an email is by using information about them that you have gathered from other sources—like social media, websites they have visited, etc.—and including it in your message.

Personalizing your emails is one of the most effective ways to make them more engaging and increase open rates because it shows that you care about who you're sending it to and that they matter to you as an individual person rather than just another recipient on a list or database somewhere.

Make Sure Your Audience Knows Who's Emailing Them (and What Their Brand is About)

One of the most important things you can do to improve your email open rates is to make sure that your audience knows exactly who is emailing them, and what the brand is about. This information should be included in the subject line, and also throughout the body of the email.

Send Targeted Campaigns

A good way to improve your email open rates is by sending targeted campaigns. If you’re sending out a campaign to everyone on your list, there’s no way for you to know what kind of content each person likes or dislikes. This leads to lower open rates, because some people might not be interested in what you have to say.

Instead, send out campaigns based on user behavior. For example, if someone has clicked on one of your links recently but not opened any others from you, then they might be interested in the topic that link was about. You can use this information to create a targeted campaign that includes content about that specific topic.

Send Your Emails at the Right Time

Most people are busy, so they'll only open your email if it's convenient for them. If you don't take this into account and send an email at 9pm when they're on their way to bed or in the middle of a meeting, chances are they won't have time to read it.

Instead, try sending your email in the morning or early afternoon—when people are most likely to be checking their inboxes.

You can also test different times by sending an email every day at different times, and see which one gets the best results!

Split Test Different Aspects of Your Emails to See What Gets the Best Results

Split test different aspects of your emails to see what gets the best results. You can test subject lines, the time of day you send, and even the length of your emails. Try changing up one thing at a time, and then compare the changes to see which one works best.


In conclusion, the most important thing you can do to improve your email open rates is to give your subscribers something they want. If your emails are not relevant to them, they will not open them.

Make sure that everything you send out has a purpose, and make sure that it's relevant and timely. Also, keep in mind that your audience is always changing, so be prepared to adjust your messaging accordingly.

If you follow these tips and strategies, you'll be well on your way to improving your email open rates!