How to Write a Cold Email that Converts to New Clients

19 Dec, 2022

Email Marketing


What is a Cold Email?

A cold email is an unsolicited email sent to someone you do not know. It is usually sent to a potential client or customer, but it can also be used to reach out to anyone who could be interested in what you have to offer.

Cold emails are often used by businesses and individuals who want to reach out to people they don't know, but who may be interested in what they have to offer.

Why are Cold Emails so Effective?

Cold emails are effective because they're personalized, and they give you a chance to tell the recipient exactly why they should be interested in what you have to say. 

Cold emails are also an inexpensive way to reach out to someone who may not even know who you are—and it's easier than making an appointment or waiting for an email response that might never come.

Finally, cold emails can be used as a way to sell yourself and your services. If a person doesn't have any idea who you are or what you do, then they might not understand the value of what you're offering them—but if they get an email from someone they don't know but trust, then they're more likely to listen when that person says something is worth their time.

The 5 Essential Elements of a Cold Email The subject line (35 characters or less)

The subject line is the most important part of a cold email. It should be short, to the point, and easy to remember. If a prospect lands on your subject line, they will either ignore it or delete it, so don't waste time with a boring subject line.

The perfect subject line will make your reader want to open your email, even though you're a complete stranger.

The hook (keep it to 2 sentences)

The hook is the first part of your email. It should be short and to-the-point, and it should get your reader interested in what you have to say.

Hooking your reader is important because if they aren't interested in what you have to say, they're not going to keep reading! So make sure your hook is interesting and relevant so that you can reel them in.

If you can't catch their attention within 2 sentences, you've already lost the battle.

A link (to your website, blog or landing page)

Include a link to your website, blog, or landing page.

A link is a great way to show that you're serious about your email, and it gives the recipient something to click on if they want to learn more.

A call to action (ask for the meeting or conversation)

It's important to end the email with a call to action. It should be clear what you want from the recipient, and it should be either a request for a meeting or a conversation.

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Tips for Writing a Cold Email that Converts to New Clients Use a Professional Email Address

Don't use a personal email address. If you're sending a cold email, it's more likely to be ignored if you use a personal address. The best way to ensure your message is opened and read is to use a professional email address.

Have a Clear Idea of Who You’re Emailing

The first step to writing an effective cold email is to have a clear idea of who you're emailing.

A lot of people think that this means knowing their name, but it really means knowing their business, their industry and their pain points.

This will help you write emails that resonate with your target clients because they'll be customized for them rather than just being generic templates sent out to everyone in the world.

Subject Line Matters

The subject line is the most important part of a cold email. It's what will determine whether or not your prospect opens it, and it's what will make them want to keep reading if they do.

This is why it's so important to write a subject line that grabs your reader's attention and makes them want to open up your email. You have only one chance--make it count!

Be Direct and to The Point

Be direct and to the point. Make it clear what you want from your reader.

Don't ramble or make small talk. Your reader has probably seen dozens of emails like yours, so don't waste their time with idle chatter or small talk.

Keep it short and sweet. Long emails are difficult to read and hard to keep on track when they're so long! You should be able to get your point across in one or two paragraphs at most.

Give an Offer That’s Hard to Refuse

When you're writing to a potential client, the offer you make is the most important part of your pitch. It's one thing to say that you're a great copywriter and know how to create content that sells, but it's another thing entirely to prove it by offering proof.

Make an offer that's hard to refuse. This could be something like: "I'll write an email newsletter for your company for free." Or maybe: "I'll write your company bio in exchange for feedback on my own bio." Or even: "I'll write your first press release for free if you let me add it to my client list."

Think about what might be valuable enough for them but also not too expensive or time-consuming (or both) on your end—and then go ahead and ask!

Make it Personal

When you're writing a cold email, try to make it personal. This means showing that you've done your research and are reaching out because you have a genuine interest in the company's work.

Show off Your Achievements

If you can, include a link to a press release or feature that highlights the work you've done. Showing off the things that have gone well for your company or individual can help ground your business in reality and make it seem more accessible—definitely the impression you want to give off when trying to attract new clients.

Always End with a Call to Action

A call to action is a direct statement that tells the reader what you want them to do next. It's usually something along the lines of "sign up," "buy my product," or "schedule a meeting."

You should always end your cold emails with a call to action. This is because you want to leave them with something they can do right away, so they don't have time to get distracted and forget about your email.


If you want to make a good first impression on a potential client, you need to focus on your content. It's not enough to just send them an email—you have to put in the effort to write something that is informative, persuasive, and well-organized.

Hopefully this guide has helped you understand what makes for a great cold email and provided you with some tips for how to go about writing one yourself.